Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE)

Logo Design | UI Design | Custom Sofware Development

Logo Design | UI Design | Custom Sofware Development

About the client

The Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) is an independent regulatory authority, which was established with its main responsibility to supervise the domestic energy market, in all its sectors, making recommendations to the competent State bodies and taking measures to achieve the goal of the liberalization of the electricity and natural gas markets.

RAE entrusted Noetik with the design and development of a Progressive Web App (PWA) for the calculation of the energy efficiency of residencies and buildings.

The purpose of the Energy Saving Guide is to offer savings proposals adapted to the characteristics of each building. To do so, the calculator takes into consideration current building state, meteorological and statistical data from Eurostat, current market prices for energy, constructions and building equipment, advanced thermodynamic and fluid dynamics equations, regulated tariffs and available measures for the building shell and equipment that can be taken to reduce energy consumption.

We designed and developed a progressive web application (PWA) in the form of a multi-step wizard.

At the end of the wizard, users are presented with a comprehensive report presenting the impact of each measure in terms of energy and cost saving.

The application is available in the Greek and English language and is backed by an administration panel from where RAE administrators are able to adjust calculation parameters and rules.

About the project

Users are welcomed with an elegant intro with animated elements. SOFTWARE
Users are welcomed with an elegant intro with animated elements.
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator

RAE Energy Saving Calculator is a Progressive Web App. It consists of a single page wizard that exchanges information with the application server at the background. It has been developed using the .Net Core development stack (Asp.Net MVC, WebAPI, C#, Entity Framework, SQL Server).

Every step of the wizard, including the various illustrations and icons, has been carefully designed by Noetik's in-house design team

Building type selection - Distinction between residential and business related buildings. SOFTWARE
Building type selection - Distinction between residential and business related buildings.
Selecting the location of the building allow us to use detailed temperature historical data from Eurostat. SOFTWARE
Selecting the location of the building allow us to use detailed temperature historical data from Eurostat.
The elevation and the building density indicate how exposed a building is. SOFTWARE
The elevation and the building density indicate how exposed a building is.
Help is one click away. Is available in all pages. Just click on the Question Mark 
<br />
icon and an information panel will slide in from the right of the screen. SOFTWARE
Help is one click away. Is available in all pages. Just click on the Question Mark
icon and an information panel will slide in from the right of the screen.
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator
SOFTWARE RAE - Energy Efficiency Calculator

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